A neutrino is a subatomic particle that is very similar to an electron, but has no electrical charge and a very small mass, which might even be zero. it is electrically neutral […]
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Is A measure of the degree of randomness of energy in a system. Entropy is defined as randomness or disorder, the more disorganization in molecules or atom means higher entropy. […]
How to Deploy a Website to a Remote Server Using GIT
Using git to deploy your website to your remote server ssh into your server and make a directory.mkdir -p /var/repo/website.git cd /var/repo/website.git/ git init –bare cd hooks nano post-receive #!/bin/sh git […]
Vue JS Set active-class on Route
<router-link tag=”li” :to=”…” :class=”{ ‘router-link-active’: isProjectTypeRoute }”> <a>Project</a> </router-link> computed: { isProjectTypeRoute() { return this.$route.matched.some(route => route.name === ‘project’) } } Facebook Comments