What are the technological and logistical needs for extracting minerals in outer space? The thought of colonizing the solar system; what would be our first step? How can space mining […]
Morphic Resonance
Is memory inherent in nature? How do pigeons find their way back home after traveling miles away? If I look at you from behind and you don’t know I’m there, […]
Flicker Fusion Frequency
Why is it so hard to catch a fly? how does time work in a world where cause and effect can become mucky? Is there any way to scientifically measure […]
The Post-Human Evolutionary Civilisation Trilemma
what are the motivations and capabilities of advanced civilizations? What does a post-human era look like? Are we living in a simulation? Facebook Comments
Interstellar predation
At what point will it become clear for human beings to leave Earth to survive? Could cosmic habitats be concealing themselves from predators while, at the same time, making themself […]
Hubble Flow
Did the big bang happen? The universe beckons us to explore and wonder. Edwin Hubble’s observations in the 1920s showed that galaxies are receding from us, and the recessional velocity […]
Quantum Multiverse
What if someone told you that you exist in another universe that you are not aware of? how do we test that? Our universe may not be alone. It could […]
The Quintessence Model
Is the universe expanding? what is actually expanding? will the expansion slowly come to a halt and bring the universe falling back in on itself or continue to float apart […]
Terraformation – Earth 2.0
What will it take to find a new home in space – Earth 2.0 ? How can we use technology to modify the environment of any planet/moon/asteroid into Earth’s like […]
Cosmic Web
Why does our universe have this web-like structure? How large is it? How far does it stretch? where does it end? what lies beyond the streams of galaxies? There must […]
Warp Drive
Universal speed limit – Nothing travels faster than light, this is a real disappointment to our hopes of traveling between stars – star hoping. moving between stars or planetary systems […]
Galactic Gentrification
Where is everyone? If Aliens can travel between stars why haven’t they visited? In a galaxy of hundreds of billions of stars each of which has billions of years to […]
The Andromeda Galaxy.
Our Universe is huge, the furthest humans have ever been is to the moon, imagine that you somehow managed to travel to Andromeda what will you see? what would the […]
Deep Space Communications
How exactly do we communicate with space? Is there a live stream in space? How do you stream from 15 billion kilometers away? when designing onboard space communication system, mass […]
Orion Nebula
Being fascinated by the night sky is undoubtedly one of the most common feelings all humans share. Assigning meaning to the gluing tiny dots in the night sky has been […]
Perpetual Motion
Perpetual motion machines are the snake oil of physics. The most persistent dream of inventors by far is to create the machine that will start itself to overcome friction and […]
Imagine squeezing mount Everest into a small lump and dropping it into your cup of tea. Pulsars are highly magnetized rotating compact star that emits beams of electromagnetic radiation out […]
The Event Horizon
The event horizon is a region on a black hole where the escape velocity reaches the speed of light. it is like the edge of a waterfall beyond which space […]
Quantum Riddle
Is reality an illusion? can something here mysteriously affect something there even if they are far apart. Do you really believe the moon is not there when your are not […]
Have you ever wonder what happens when a star Die ?. there are tons of different types of stars blue giants white dwarfs red giants the sun is considers to […]
Space Clock
Imagine if your GPS on your phone took 40 minutes to calculate your position? You might miss your turn, or be several exits down the highway before you GPS caught […]
Craking the neural Code
The role of neurons is to receive and transit information. To understand how the brain works, one has to reverse engineer its functions. just as you might try to reverse […]
The search for extraterrestrial technologies
Are we alone ? Do we live in a universe that is populated with many, many intelligent species. Or are we as human beings just the intelligent life anywhere in […]
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is around the corner. it is the ability of a machine to perform any task that a human can. a machine with the capacity to understand or […]
Cloud Computing 101
Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user. Service Models IAAS Infrastructure as a Service: […]
Subnetting a network/subnetting a subnet
A subnetwork or subnet is a logical subdivision of an IP network. The practice of dividing a network into two or more networks is called subnetting. Subnet table for class […]