Universal speed limit – Nothing travels faster than light, this is a real disappointment to our hopes of traveling between stars – star hoping. moving between stars or planetary systems […]
Galactic Gentrification
Where is everyone? If Aliens can travel between stars why haven’t they visited? In a galaxy of hundreds of billions of stars each of which has billions of years to […]
The Andromeda Galaxy.
Our Universe is huge, the furthest humans have ever been is to the moon, imagine that you somehow managed to travel to Andromeda what will you see? what would the […]
Deep Space Communications
How exactly do we communicate with space? Is there a live stream in space? How do you stream from 15 billion kilometers away? when designing onboard space communication system, mass […]
Orion Nebula
Being fascinated by the night sky is undoubtedly one of the most common feelings all humans share. Assigning meaning to the gluing tiny dots in the night sky has been […]