Why does our universe have this web-like structure? How large is it? How far does it stretch? where does it end? what lies beyond the streams of galaxies? There must […]
Warp Drive
Universal speed limit – Nothing travels faster than light, this is a real disappointment to our hopes of traveling between stars – star hoping. moving between stars or planetary systems […]
Galactic Gentrification
Where is everyone? If Aliens can travel between stars why haven’t they visited? In a galaxy of hundreds of billions of stars each of which has billions of years to […]
The Andromeda Galaxy.
Our Universe is huge, the furthest humans have ever been is to the moon, imagine that you somehow managed to travel to Andromeda what will you see? what would the […]
Install Jenkins on UBUNTU
Jenkins is a build automation tool used to automate parts of the testing, build, delivery, and deployment of software. Installation. 1. Install Java 2. Add the Jenkins Repository 3. Install […]